The Autumn Journey
Autumn is one of my favorite times of year, but it didn’t used to be that way. As a kid I loved the long days and playtime potential of the summer sun.
Autumn is one of my favorite times of year, but it didn’t used to be that way. As a kid I loved the long days and playtime potential of the summer sun. As I’ve grown older, I realize the magic in the transitions of fall—cooler days, changing leaves, and the shift in the sun’s intensity on my skin. Fall is that amazing time of change when the planet begins to prepare for the quiet dormancy of winter.
The plants and leaves gradual retreat back into the earth has proven an important lesson for me in my periods of change. During my Innermission last year, I found that the fall mirrored my own journey in many ways. I found myself shedding habits, routines and beliefs that were no longer serving me—like the leaves falling from the trees. I found myself finding the balance in my energy and understanding when I could share my light with others and when I needed quiet solace for myself—like the shift in the length of the days and nights of autumn. I wanted to replenish myself so I could step into even greater creativity in the coming months—just like the decomposing plants back into the soil.
Fall became more than a metaphor, it became a companion for my journey. I know some people mourn the loss of light and summer’s warmth, but what if we began to look at fall as the invitation to slow down, embrace the cocoon of approaching winter, and think about the ways we can rejuvenate, refortify, and reclaim our balance.
This year, more than ever, rejuvenation, refortification and balance are all needed for our physical, mental and emotional health. As the first leaves begin to turn and the warmth of the sun shifts, I invite you to think about what this season might mean for you and your journey.
• How are the ways you can rejuvenate and refortify your body and mind this fall?
• Consider your physical, emotional, social, mental health—are there ways you can regain balance to tend to your whole self?
Enjoy the changes in store!